For loyalty , the base price for all products is automatically reduced for customers, except for the "Sale of stock" category.

  • During the year, the system recalculates the value of orders and assigns the amount of the discount.
  • Rebates of up to $1000 are limited to 1 year.
  • Discounts can both increase and decrease according to the achieved value of the orders.

Price reduction with a time limit of 1 year

When reaching the value of orders within 1 year:

From USD 250 - 2.5% price reduction

From $500 - 5% price reduction

From $750 - 7.5% price reduction

Permanent price reduction without time limit

When reaching the value of orders within 1 year:

From $1000 - 15% Permanent Price Reduction

  • If you have reached a purchase value of USD 1000 within a year, the base prices will be reduced by 15% on all products permanently.
    • No time limit applies to you anymore!!!